There is confusion about the location of Northern Areas of Pakistan i.e. Gilgit-Baltistan and FATA. Foreigners stop their trips or expeditions in K2, Nanga Parbat or trekking alongside the snowy areas, whenever, there is a news of disturbance in the FATA (Tribal Areas) which is far away from that actual Northern Areas (Gilgit-Baltistan) a very peaceful and free from any type of strife. This resultantly affects the people a peaceful region like Gilgit Baltistan. This situation hampering the development activities of mountainous area by that country is losing valuable revenues from tourism. This is due misunderstanding and unfortunate that a very peaceful area of Northern Areas (Gilgit-Baltistan) is descending for want of proper projection at appropriate level. In these days of information people have enough knowledge about certain parts of different countries like its climate, people and their customs etc. In case Northern Areas it is astonishing that not only foreigners even our local people/tourists are not aware where is northern Areas is situated and what type of people these are. This is very dejecting that million of people around the globe are deprived of scenic beauty of this mountainous region. K2, Nanga Parbat, KKH, Ferry Meadow, Deosai Plain, Kharphocho Fort, and glaciers of this area are looking for their lover inhabitants and missing them badly. I am trying to address issue and giving true picture of Northern Areas (Gilgit-Bakltistan) and differentiate between Northern Areas (Gilgit-Baltistan) and FATA as below:- FATA: The Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA) is strategically located between the Pakistan-Afghanistan border and the settled areas of NWFP. FATA, both historically and traditionally had a unique administrative and political status from the British times since 1849. However, in 1893, a demarcation was raised with Afghanistan called Durand Line. They ontrolled the area through a combination of effective Political Agents and tribal elders, while leaving the people with their traditions and internal independence. Pakistan inherited this system and more or less continues with it even today. It is totally different from that of Gilgit-Baltistan as far culturally, historically and other demography. If some one wants to go FATA, his route would be totally different from Northern Areas i.e. Gilgit-Baltistan. FATA is not called ‘Northern Areas’ rather it is called as TRIBAL AREA in the north province of Pakistan. People of these areas are Pathan and Tribes. They speak Pushto and some Persian.
Northern Areas: is one of the unique and peaceful places in the world in terms of natural resources and cultural heritage. Dogra regime of Kashmir annexed these territories around the middle of the 19th century even though they found the control of the area difficult. Baltistan was administered directly by the Kashmir Government as a part of District Laddakh with Headquarters at Leh. The people of Northern Areas fought against the Maharaja and got independence in 1947. Boundary of Northern Areas starts from District Kohistan like Besham-Chilas onwards. Balti and Shina are the local languages besides some other dialects.
But it is matter of displeasure that the areas are lacking behind due to misunderstanding. People of this area are peace loving and history shows there was no incident of security whatsoever. The are friends of tourists and majority of people in the remote, rural areas of Northern Areas are totally dependent upon their natural resources and tourism for shelter and sustenance. Public awareness about the positive image of area needs to be highlighted. Foreigners even local tourists are not aware properly guided. They always annexed it with FATA, it needs to be differentiated by it as Gilgit-Baltistan instead. Tell the world, and people come and relax there is no matter of security in this area. They are addressed that tourists here find peace and solitude in this enchanting mountain kingdom. The valleys are a paradise for trekkers and mountain lovers. The treks in the glacial landscape of the upper valleys are a trekkers dream. Visiting fairyland is a fantasy to be lived and relived as such places are rare and far between. Of the 14 over 8,000 meters high peaks on our earth planet, four occupy an amphitheater at the head of Baltoro glacier in the Karakorum Range: K-2 (world’s second highest), Gasherbrum-I, Broad Peak and Gasherbrum-II. By that Insha Allah we will achieve the lost image of the area caused by the FATA.