No other thing today, yes, HAPPY CHRISTMAS today. Christmas is around us and I must wish and congratulate viewers/visitors of TRAVEL TO NATURAL BEAUTY, smongst other, those from USA and Germany. You are very kind and encourgment your suggestions via email are really an assest for me.
More pics from Tokyo:
I skipped last post on Japan due to very important event from Hunza which was organized at LOK VIRSA "Wakhi Cultural Festival." About Japan I have more pics and contents. Here are some good scenery from beauty of Japan + Tokyo city life:
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 3:13 PM 0 comments
Music from Wakhi Cultural Festival:
Brief Facts: Inhabitants of Wakhan speaks Wakhi language and also known as Pamiri or Mountain Tajiks.
Population of these wakhan people is roughly estimated about 50,000. The population is mostly divided among these fours countries Pakistan, Tajikstan, Afghanistan and China. These wakhi are followers of Prince Karim Aga Khan and are Nizari Ismaili Shia Muslim. Literacy rate is better; about 60%.
In Pakistan Wakhi Tajik Cultural Association is an NGO actively involved in preserving the Wakhi Tajiki language and culture and record its poetry and music. In Gilgit Radio Pakistan broadcast the Wakhi program like Sada-e-Baame-eDunya” the voice of the Roof of the World.
We visited Lok visited on Saturday December 12, 2009 where Wakhi Cultural Festival were being organized from 9-13 December, 2009: It is was very impressive. You may like to listen and enjoy sweet melody of this region. It is from Hunza.
Kargil-Skardu Baltistan Blood Relations:
Baltistan and Kargil historical located in the same region and have great simillarity and attachment each other. Traditionally people of Kargil and Baltistan speak same dialict Balti, their customs even whether, mountains glaciers all are the same. Only a signle LoC is in between them. But it does not matter. People from both sides are still hoping some trade exchange, bus service Kargil-Skardu, and other people to people contacts. This all is due to rigid attitude of Indian Government towards people of these beautiful but backward areas of world. If easy access to the people across the LoC is allowed highlighting the culture so as to boost the this travel hub, it would be beneficial for the people of this region. But there are some factors which causing hiderance one is Buddhists and Hindu from Ladakh. They seemed fear that opening of roead from Kargil to Baltistan (Skardu) combined Balti population on both sides of the border outnumbers the Ladakhis.
BRIEF: Kargil is a district of Ladakh, Kashmir, India. Kargil lies near the Line of Control facing Pakistan-administered Kashmir's Baltistan to the west, and Kashmir valley to the south. argil district is nestled in the Himalayas, giving it a cool, temperate climate. Summers are warm with cool nights, while winters are long and cold with temperatures Populatin of Kargi is l 119,307 (2001) the only Muslim majority district in Ladakh. 80% are Muslim 95,963, of which 73% follow Ismaili Shia Islam. Most of the district's Muslims are found in Kargil town, Drass, Wakha and the lower Suru valley.
Baltistan region is highly valued for its strategic geo-political location. Its trade routes in the past have served as economic lifelines for the inhabitants of this region, who bartered goods while visiting East Turkestan (Sinkiang), China, Central Asia, the Indian Sub-continent, Central Tibet and beyond.
Baltistan contains some of the highest mountains and longest glaciers in the world. Further, the rivers and streams have formed numerous valleys over the course of time, which are inhabited and cultivated by the residents. Innumerable rivers and rivulets including Shyok, Siachen, Saltoro, Suru, Shingo and Shigar rivers, augment the mighty Indus River, which after bisecting Baltistan enters Gilgit. Glacial lakes are abundant in Baltistan and are of high touristic value. Baltistan possesses approximately fifty peaks with heights of more than 20,000 feet (6,100 m) above sea level. Mighty K2 - the second highest peak in the world at 8,611 meters in height – is situated here, overlooking the Shigar valley. The glaciers - the longest in the world outside the Polar Regions, reaching to a length of 90 kilometers – surround Baltistan in the north and west directions, separating her from China and Gilgit.
Images was taken by one of my relatives during his visit to Kargil recently.
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 2:12 PM 0 comments
Japan is Japan from every angle:
This is fascinating look from Hotel. If you stay in a towering hotel or your traveling via bullet train in Tokyo (Japan) you cannot forget beauty of Japan and japanese what they did.
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 1:37 PM 0 comments
TOKYO - Beauty speaks itself:
Some more pics from visit to Japan (Tokyo)
Animal like donkey is also carefully looked after here in Tokyo.
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 8:48 AM 0 comments
Tokyo Natural Beauty:
Posting on Japan (Tokyo) is continuing, as I have a lot of stuff and some good image on different location and issues. In the meantime an important and major event of Election to the Gilgit Baltistan Legislative Assembly is going to be held on November 12, 2009 in Gilgit-Baltistan, a tourist’s attraction and formerly know as Northern Areas of Pakistan. Importance of these election after announcement of Gilgit-Baltistan Self-empowerment and Self-Governance Order 2009, elections to the Gilgit Baltistan Legislative Assembly (formerly called as Northern Areas of Pakistan) have become of the visitors around the world are also familiar these areas due to mighty K2 and Nanga Parbat, Karakoram Highway and of course some good trekking places. Earlier Prime Minister of Pakistan visited these areas. Than some political parties strengthening themselves, especially campaign of MQM is getting momentum. Former Prime Minister is also in Skardu and yesterday some big rallies by MQM and Muslim League (N) were held. It is first time in the history of Pakistan that the election in these areas are getting importance which is healthy sign for the uplift of this region. In this party base election a total number of 264 candidates are contesting. PPP 23 candidates, 20 from MQM, 14 from PML-N, 14 from PML-Q, 6 from Jamiat-e Ulema-e Islam, 3 from Jamaat-e Islami, 10 from the Gilgit-Baltistan Democratic Alliance, 4 from the ANP and 2 from TIP and 2 from Balawaristan National Front.
According to the election commission, there are 166 independent candidates in the field.
However, don’t go without these beautiful natural beauty of Japan (Tokyo):
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 10:40 AM 0 comments
Yarlung Tsangpo River Loves Pakistan:
Before posting about Japan, I would like to give some detail about this river which is very dear to us due to its shape. If you look Pakistani Flag and than this River your could not believe how it resemblance (look) each other. River is moving like a circle like moon in Pakistani Flag. It is totally naturall and amazing, which reflects long lasting Pak-China Friendship. I love my flag, I love my country and of course love this River.
Now some history of this River: Yarlung Tsangpo River is one of the most important rivers in China, with water reserves that rank second in China. It originates from the middle section of the northern slope of the Himalaya Mountain with an elevation of more than 6,000 meters and make an unparalleled unique U-turn around the mountain of Namjfgbarwa, before finally reaching Baxike in Medong County, and creating the famous Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon.
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 5:25 PM 1 comments
Culture has always been an identity of a country. In Japan, culture has evolved greately over millenia. From archtect to gardening there is a reflection of these japanse culture. They made it totally unique. Here painting has been an art in Japan for a very long time: the brush is a traditional writing tool, and the extension of that to its use as an artist's tool was probably natural. The flowing, brush-drawn Japanese language lends itself to complicated calligraphy. Calligraphic art is often too esoteric for Western audiences and therefore general exposure is very limited. The written work can consist of phrases, poems, stories, or even single characters.
Japanese architecture has as long a history as any other aspect of Japanese culture. Originally heavily influenced by Chinese architecture . Examples of traditional architecture are seen at Temples, Shinto shrines and castles in Kyoto, and Nara. Some of these buildings are constructed with traditional gardens, which are influenced from Zen ideas.
Some modern architects, such as Yoshio Taniguchi and Tadao Ando are known for their amalgamation of Japanese traditional and Western architectural influences. One thing is aboslutely unique that in Japan the garden has the same status as a work of art. It is amazing and unblievable.
NB: Japan is amazing, totally, even since I started posting about Japan there is a remarkable respoonse from all corner. It is very encourging to know that how people love this country. So I have huge collection of images during one week trip to Tokyo in early October, 2009.
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 8:44 AM 0 comments
Tokyo City and People:
I have a lot of pictures on different location of Japan (Tokyo), in a 1 Gigabytes memory card. From this one week visit of Japan selecting appropriate pictures for posting is difficult.
Well, Tokyo is Japan's capital and the country's largest city. There are cities within the city like metropolis. For a tourists there are variety. Some of them are Marui City (Ueno), Matsuya Ginza largest departmental store with leading edge fashion and of course Akihabara where some high tech shopping, entertainment and restaurants are available, totally amazing. While in Tokyo, one cannot forget the two major catastrophes of 20th century, the 1923 Great KantÅ earthquake, which left 140,000 dead or missing, and the other was World War II. The bombing of Tokyo in 1944 and 1945, with 75,000 to 200,000 killed and half of the city destroyed, were almost as devastating as the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. .
One thing is very interesting and beyond the imagination that every one is peaking Japanese. Their knowledge about English is just like we speak English in Pakistan rather in Pakistan English is at advance level. Anyway, it is not alien thing for the Japanese. What they have done is also amazing. Their name for electronics and high technology is a symbol. However, I will continue some more on TOKYO.
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 5:44 PM 0 comments
One week in Japan - TOKYO IN PICTURES:
Visiting Japan (Tokyo) is a cherish for every one. When is sponsored it is double treat. One week visit to Tokyo and suburb in pictures:
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 11:53 AM 0 comments
A Visit to Hunza and Baltit Fort:
My route usually to Gilgit-Baltistan has always been through Skardu via PIA flight with spectacular view of K-2. Last time my route was Islamabad-Gilgit-Hunza-Sost Border. Journey Islamabad-Gilgit via PIA small plane is somewhat different and rather exciting. One can see both side right or left you about 55 minutes journey. KKH with vehicles plying can easily be seen from your window seat, take snaps, enjoy scenery even Nanga Parbat can also be seen.
By reaching Gilgit I took a room in PWD Rest House located near NLI Market. After one an hour with the courtesy of friend went to Sost. We crossed Rakaposhi and when reached Passu, (in front of Passu peak) there were drizzling on the way. Sometime it increased even one time jeep driver lower the speed due to losing the balance due to wet road. We did our lunch in a Sost Hotel, in my view it was not a lunch for a slim person like me rather it was as heavy as Lunch+Dinner.
In the evening starts pack to my actual destination i.e. Hunza Valley which is situated at an elevation about 7990 ft. Karimabad is its main town which is a popular tourists attraction due to the spectacular scenery of the surrounding mountains like Rakaposhi, Ultar, Hunza Peak, Lady finger Peak all about 6-8 meter height. Like every tourists I had to search for a hotel. Though Darbar Hotel in the top of Karimabad was excellent but I prefer PTDC which also in prime location especially those who loved to see morning view of beautiful Rakaposhi etc.
Baltit Fort: If there is no Baltit Fort there is no Hunza. This ancient Fort has a special attraction for the tourists. Majority of tourists first come for Baltit Fort and then Hunza or Karimabad. It was told that in 16 century the prince married a princess from Baltistan who brought master Balti craftsmen to renovate the building as part of her dowry. The architectural style is a clear indication of Tibetan influence in Baltistan at the time. Later, Mirs of Hunza abandoned this Fort and moved to a new palace down the hill. It is about 700 years old, by the time it decayed and could be lost and ruin but Royal Geographic Society of lOndon, works for its restoration and in 1996 Fort was made museum and run by Baltit Heritage Trust. I spend two days in Karimabad. When I wrote these few line I still missing it and cherish to go once again early next year. Besides Hunza and Baltit Fort there is another personality who is more important and exteremely adored by the people of Hunza, like million of loyal followers worldwide is none other than but H.H. Prince Karim Aga Khan, 49th Imam of Ismaili community.
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 12:47 PM 0 comments
New Setup for Gilgit-Baltistan
Thanks God after 62 years, people of Gilgit-Baltistan, somehow, get their identity. No one, even the most powerful man and ex-President of Pakistan could do this. It credit goes to present Govenment who moves and take this initiative which is good sign and would lead to betterment of this region. People of Gilgit-Baltistan are happy over the announcement of "GILGIT-BALTISTAN SLEF-EMPOWERMENT AND SELF-GOVERNANCE ORDER 2009" and vehemently welcomed package for Giglit-Baltistan at all level. For the last 62 years, this region could not come up at par with the rest of areas in Pakistan, though Muzaffarabad with the same status was (governed) or enjoying full privileges of Prime Minister and President. People of Gilgit-Baltistan are happy with this province like setup. Tthey urged that the this must be implemented in the letter and spirit and role of KANA Divsion to be minimum. This Division logically needs new name as Gilgit-Baltistan Council Secretariat dealing with Budge, Planning & Development and Staff Adminitration. Rest of Sections must go to Gilgit-Baltistan.
There are some voices against it too. Those come from across the border which was understood. Record of Indian Government towards Pakistan is always negative, therefore, it has no weightage. As for as Kashmiri leaders are concrened theywere some reservations about it which are based on perception and being addressed. As far as APC or like other statement from Muzaffarabad, where were these for the last 62 years when Gilgit-Baltistan in without any identity.
Labels: ul
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 8:31 AM 0 comments
How to get Gilgit-Baltistan
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 9:07 AM 0 comments
Chitral - Kalash tribes:
Chitral is multi lingual tribe. Their basic language is Khow, Chitrali, Khowar. which is also spoken in parts of Yasin, Gilgit, Ghizer and Swat. Pashto language is also spoken and understood by some in the city.
Kalash Valley: One of the major attractions of Chitral is Kalash tribe and Kalash Valley – the home of Kalash or "Wearers of the Black Robes" a primitive pagan tribe. Legends say that five soldiers of the legions of Alexander of Macedonia settled in Chitral and are the progenitors of the Kalash. There is also a sizeable population of Nuristanis, Tajiks and Uzbeks most of whom arrived from Afghanistan in the late 1980s.
Over 3,000 strong Kalash live in the valley of Birir, Bumburet and Rambur, south of Chitral.
Bumburet: the largest and the most picturesque valley of the Kalash, is 40 km from Chitral and is connected by a jeep able road.
Birir: 34 km away is accessible by a jeep able road.
Rambur: is 32 km from Chitral. The Kalash Women wear black gown of coarse cloth in summer and hand-spun wool dyed in black in winter. Their picturesque headgear is made of woolen black material decked out with cowries shells, buttons and crowned with a large coloured feather. The Kalash love music and dancing particularly on occasions of their religious festivals.
Chilimjust or Joshi (14 - 15 May): This festival is held in Spring when the girls pick the first lowers. The days are marked by dancing, and the people visit each other and exchange milk, cheese, yogurt and flowers.
Utchal (mid July): Two days of celebration mark the harvest of wheat and barley. There is much singing, dancing and feasting which is worth seeing.
Phool (20 – 25 September): This festival celebrates the reaping of the grape and walnut harvests. Chowas (18-21 December): This is the winter festival celebrated to welcome the new year. The people remain indoors, feasting and drinking until the elders, who sit on hill-tops to watch the sun reach its orbit, declare the arrival of the new year. Everyone then lights the torches and performs the commemorative dance, and goat sacrifice is carried out. All this is unique, natural and worth seeing.
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 8:30 AM 0 comments
Picnic point of Rawal Dam::
After construction of a Murree road and a beautiful named as Ankara Park with the help of our brotherly country Turkey, the popularity of this lake has increased and huge gathering can be seen there especailly Sunday or at the eve of eids etc. There are a lot of activities of fishing and boating all the time. The highest point in the garden offers a panoramic view of the lake, Margalla and Murree hills. There is a private club that provides different facilities like boating, water, skating sailing and diving here.
The place famour for Birds of Islamabad also a resident mammals include the common fox, Pangolin, Porcupine, Jungle cat, Jackal, Wild boar and yellow-throated marten.
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 7:08 PM 0 comments
Deosai Plains - The Spectacular
Deosai Plains make up one of the last frontiers of natural habitat for the Himalayan Brown Bear, a creature that once roamed the mountains freely and multitude of Golden Marmots. There is Deosai National Park, established in 1993 to protect & survival of the bear and its habitat. The Deosai Plains are interlaced with streams, also home to the Himalayan Ibex, Red Fox, Wolf, the Ladakh Urial, the Snow Leopard, and over large number of resident and migratory birds. Birds in the National Park include the Golden Eagle, Lammergeier, Griffon Vulture, Laggar Falcon, Peregrine Falcon, Kestrel, Indian Sparrowhawk and Snowcock..
The Deosai Plains are also home to the Himalayan Ibex, Red Fox, Golden Marmot, Wolf, the Ladakh Urial, the Snow Leopard, and over 124 resident and migratory birds. Birds in the park include the Golden Eagle, Lammergeier, Griffon Vulture, Laggar Falcon, Peregrine Falcon, Kestrel, Indian Sparrowhawk and Snowcock.
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 8:47 AM 0 comments
Khaplu - Chakchun Mosque 700 years old:

Being busy in sister marriage I could make my posting. Topic was marked on Chakchun Mosque some 700 years old. When I last visited Baltistan, Visiting this beautiful mosque on top of my list. The Chakchun Mosque is Iranian and Tibetan architecture situated in Khaplu.This mosque attributed to Sayyid Ali Hamadni, a noted local saint of the fifteenth century, is a typical example of a rectangular wooden structure. A lot work done by AKRSP. but it original look is always there. Mosques in Baltistan are mainly built in the Tibetan style, though several mosques constructed have wood-finish and decorations of Iranian origin similar available in Ladakh and Kargil. It is fact the people of these areas having very close association and attachment with people other side of the LoC.
On the way to Khaplu one can see different Khanqahs which are a kind of typical training school of Sufis which was introduced by the early Sufi saints arrived in the region.
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Season of Trekking and climbing:
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 10:58 AM 0 comments
July is month of Polo: How Polo is played at Shandur:
Polo is a passion in Northern Areas Areas.
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 1:33 PM 0 comments
Naltar (Phandar) Valley:
I did planning to go to Skardu, couldn’t materialized as yet due to marriage of my sister on 25 instant. Purpose of going there to have a documentary on Kharphocho an ancient Fort (1560-1625 AD ) by Sher Ali Anchan. If I could not make it than I would request one of my internet friend Khadim Hussain, popular on Internet due to his good work on that area, to please do the job. Till such time here is my posting on Naltar (Phandar) Valley which is also very attractive and I never miss it whenever I go there.
Naltar is the loveliest fully-day outing from Gilgit. About a two-hour drive away, it is an area of alpine meadows and pine forests 3,000 meters (10,000 feet) above sea level and surrounded by snow-capped mountains. the road up from Nomal climbs steeply through a rocky gorge to emerge on the fertile, high-altitude pastures.
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 7:27 PM 0 comments
In promoting the tourism government must effectively launch a comprehensive policy and planning and get services of some experts in this field so that people could know about the actual demography of the area. In the tourism field only those people should be inducted who are relevant and having vast experience and knowledge to progress in this field. Secondly, it is very important to look for different channels that are already active but could not approach them one way or the other. These people are our assets and their services could be a source is a whiff of fresh air. It is relevant to quote only one example of literature or travel writing by one writer, which is appreciable as for as tourism is concerned. It is most powerful medium for promoting tourists activities. Some good of writers/travel writers are presently around you. Their contribution towards promotion of tourism and uplift of economic activities are commendable. If one talks about promotion of tourism at any level and specially in Northern Areas of Pakistan, he must have a name in his mind that is no other than but Mustansar Hussain Tarar, a legend travel writer, intellectual who devoted his life for that areas & visited Northern Areas like a vagabond, spend day and night in the mountains, glaciers, caves, terrain and plains fearlessly. By that he confronted with dangerous and inclement and harsh weather condition, but he continues his journey and never felt tired. His love, passion and untiring journey is long lasting which is depicted not only in his books written on the Northern Areas but also reflects in the hearts of people and will remained there for ever whether it is a Safarnama or a Novel, Northern Areas and Tarar are inevitable. There is no example of writing more than 12 books one particular area i.e. NAs. Some of his exclusive books on Northern Areas are as under:-
1. K-2 Kahani
2. Nanga Parbat
3. Berfeeli Bulandiyan (Snowy Heights)
4. Deosai
5. Hunza Dastaan
6. Chitral Dastaan (Chitral Tale)
7. Kaalaash
8. Safar Shumal Kay (Travels of the north)
9. Shamshaal Baimesaal (Extraordinary Shamshaal)
10. Snow Lake
11. Yaak Saraey (Yaak Inn)
He is a living legend and due to his Safarnamey on NAs, he is now, the best seller for the last 20 years. People of Nortehrn Areas are adored him and salute him whenever he visits that area. It is true that NAs are very attractive and foreigners and local tourists are fascinated by its beautiful valleys, mountains, glaciers and mighty KKH. Contribution made be this travel writer who is loved by the people of NAs from the core of their heart. A lot of people after his thoughts about the NAs are very impressed and are looking the NAs Administration for fulfillment of a small desire or wish, rather a tacit demand of the people of Northern Areas who are always very well known for their hospitality, to compassionate him for highlighting the Northern Areas locally and internationally. It is due to untiring efforts by that personality, the Northern Areas are now known and people of Northern Areas are indebted to him for these efforts. Number of tourists got temptation from his travelogue on NAs and visited almost all tourists’ places where he go and writes about that particular place. Therefore, it would be in the best of Northern Areas and for the sake of promoting tourism, the Northern Areas Administration must favourably consider his meritorious services and he be honoured and a road of Northern Areas be named after Mustansar Hussain Tarar Road, keeping in view his utmost love and passion for these areas, as wherever he goes he talked about Northern Areas and promote every engle i.e. historically, culturally, traditionally and ture picture of Northern Areas. He is very much people loving personality. Most of his Preambel dedicted to poor and downtrodden people of Northern Areas. Even when he intends to write a novel he starts from Northern Areas. He never forget the beuaty and attraction of this area; Dakia aur Jolaha (Postman and cloth-maker) is though a novel, however, its character was no other than but from the Northern Areas. That postman of Hashope (Shiger) has impressed him a lot and he walks side by side in his noval.
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 8:46 AM 0 comments
In July everywhere Polo : Shandur Polo Festival::
The Shandur pass is blocked by snow from November to May. The top of the pass is flat and pastured at 3,734 meters from the sea level. The best time to visit shandur is end of June when the annual polo game is played on the Shandur pass between Gilgit and Chitral team at this time. You can camp there and watch the original polo matches for a couple of days and enjoy this thrilling game on the highest polo ground in the world.
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 12:10 PM 0 comments
A Trip to Baltistan, Northern Areas
On a recent one-week trip to Skardu, I had the chance to visit the most beautiful places of the region including Kachura Lake, Satpara Lake, Shigar Fort and Deosai Planes. The last three days of the trip were to be spent exploring the Shangrila Resort. Luckily, one of my local friends Wazir Hamayat Khan offered me a trip to the green and beautiful Khaplu. This was hardly motivating in Baltistan which itself is so green and beautiful. I accepted his offer, nonetheless, thinking its better than sitting idle in the hotel room.Khaplu, district headquarter of Ganche district, is situated 103 kilometres east of Skardu towards the Siachin Glacier. The road to Khaplu is in very good condition and passes along the Indus River and the Shyok River. Wazir Hamayat turned out to be the most interesting host and tour guide. He knew the area, the people and the culture like the back of his hand. I was informed about the significance and history of different places along the road from Skardu until we reached Khaplu.Footloose, NOS, The News InternationalAbout 50 kilometres from Skardu lies the small town of Kiris. Two great rivers of Baltistan region -- the Indus and the Shyok -- meet near this town. This 'meeting point' of the two rivers is known as Chumdo. A very interesting fact about these rivers is that, locally, Shyok is labelled as the female river (Mocho) while the Indus is the male river (Focho). This is because the Indus overpowers the Shyok at this point. The view point of famous Masherbrum peak is also situated at this road. This 7821m peak is ranked amongst the most dangerous in the world. Masherbrum was first sumitted in July 1960 by two American mountaineers while it took 23 years before a second ascent was made by two Japanese mountaineers in August 1983. It is also known as K1, a name given by the British survey team in 1856 while identifying the peaks in Karakoram Range.After four hours journey by car, we reached Khaplu city. Khaplu is amazing not only for its physical beauty (it is undoubtedly the most beautiful city in the Gilgit-Baltistan region, to me even more beautiful than Karimabad) but because in Khaplu one feels to be in a real Baltistani city with all traditional flavoursKhaplu was the second-largest kingdom of Baltistan. Being the neighbour of Ladakh, it guarded the trade route to Ladakh along the Shyok River. In the past, Khaplu had close trade and cultural ties with Ladakh. Many of the residents still have their relatives in Ladakh. These are the descendants of migrants from Baltistan, having settled in Ladakh when the Ladakhi Buddhist ruler Jamyang Namgyal (1555-1610) married Gyal Khatun, daughter of Yebgo Sher Ghazi, the Muslim prince of Khaplu. Gyal Khatun is said to have brought along with her a number of Baltis in her retinue. Before 1949, they used to visit their relatives in Ladakh and vice versa freely but now it is almost impossible for them to visit Ladakh. "To meet a relative who lives just 50 kilometres from my village, I need to have a visa and travel thousands of kilometres," says Abbas Hussain, a 60 year old resident of Ghursay village. He demands that both Pakistani and Indian governments should reopen this border.The natives of Khaplu including the new generation are very simple, friendly and greet everybody in the old Balti style by bending their heads and raising the hand. Modern buildings and houses are visible in the city but still many of the people live in old styled small and inter-connected Tibetan houses made of stones. Most of the settlements of such houses are around 200 years old while some are even 300 years old. In such settlements scores of houses are connected to each other in a small piece of land, making them cosy in winters. The streets in such settlements are narrow and covered with wood and stone. This old city allows a peep into the past of Baltistan, its culture and lifestyle, a link regretfully missing in big cities. Modernity has overcome the past lifestyle which is still preserved in old buildings and broachers in other cities of this region.Our first stop in Khaplu was the PTDC motel. Situated at the bank of the Shyok River, it is unquestionably one of the most spectacular PTDC motels in Pakistan. Inaugurated back in 1998, the building is made up of precious and beautiful deodar wood and local white stone. The courtyard of the motel was full of different plants with colourful flowers. According to Jalal-ud-Din, in-charge PTDC motel, the motel remains open from April to October because "in the extreme winter season, all the PTDC motels in Baltistan region are closed. " The number of visitors to Khaplu as well as his motel was never much but since the last five years even this number has been dropping constantly "especially the foreigners." Consequently, the government has also included this motel in the list of 26 PTDC motels that are to be privatised. This will really be a setback for tourists in this area as PTDC motel is the only nice and affordable accommodation in Khaplu. "Khaplu has all the ingredients to become the tourists hub in Pakistan. Only if government markets it properly," says Wazir Hamayat Hussain. He admits that the majority of Pakistanis do not even know the name of this historical city. He thinks such beautiful places should not be sold, instead these should be promoted to attract the tourists.Another interesting thing about Khaplu was the name of the localities. In the old city, these localities were named by Rajas according to the professions of their residents. The locality of carpenters is known as Shinggrong (shing means carpenter, grong means locality), Mongrong (mong means music) is the name of musicians' locality, Kwagrong is the locality of butchers while Khsergrong is the locality of jewellers. Although majority of the residents of these localities have changed their professions, the name of localities have not changed. Wazir Hamayat told TNS that Khaplu was well-known for its musicians and that is why there was a different locality reserved for them by the Raja "but these days you will hardly find a musician in Mongrong. They have changed their professions, some are working as carpenters, other as cobblers and labourers."Passing through narrow streets we finally reached our destination to eat the lunch of local dishes. Rice, meat and yogurt is the favourite food of Baltistan. A traditional Baltistani food is incomplete without these. But I find local spinach the most delicious. I found that Balti place meat, spinach and yogurt with white rice and eat it with chappatis. You have to get used to the taste to enjoy it. The water of Khaplu is considered the safest in the region to drink and comes from Ghanche glacier (from which the district is named) through Ghanche stream.Our next stop was the famous Chaqchan Mosque, the largest and most impressive among the old Balti mosques. It is one of the earliest mosques in Baltistan (1504 AD), attributed to Syed Ali Hamdani, the first Islamic preacher who came to the area. According to the locals, a Buddhist temple was replaced by this mosque. It has two storeys, the upper one is used during summers while the lower one serves as a winter mosque and as lodging and meditation place for visitors. A richly decorated, arched veranda surrounds the building on four sides. The prayer room houses four slim, pillars with cross-bracket capitals and bases with cusped arched panels in high relief. Several superimposed richly carved corbelled cornices form the transition to ceiling. Made of wood, the mosque is a fine example of Kashmiri architecture. The word Chaqchan is derived from Balti word Chaq meaning chain. There are two chains installed at the main door after which the name Chaqchan was given to the mosque.Khaplu Khanqah was to be visited next. This marvellous piece of Tibetan architecture made of wood is also the largest Khanqah in Baltistan region. It has six huge columns with square bases and large brackets capitals with more than twenty additional smaller columns in support of the weakened roof beams, eight hujras (mediation rooms) and a four metre wide veranda, which counts ten richly decorated arches topped by varying panjira latticework. Adjacent to this Khanqa is the 300-year old Astana of Syed Mir Muhammad, a locally venerated saint which is also worth-seeing.Last destination of the day was great palace of Raja of Khaplu. My host thought I had missed the amazing lakes, green valleys and two great pastures situated within 10 kilometres radius of the Khaplu. While on a visit to Baltistan, you cannot afford to miss Khaplu, otherwise you have missed much in Baltistan as well as in life.(Courtesy by Aoun Sahi)
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 7:44 AM 0 comments
Where are Northern Areas of Pakistan & FATA located?
Northern Areas: is one of the unique and peaceful places in the world in terms of natural resources and cultural heritage. Dogra regime of Kashmir annexed these territories around the middle of the 19th century even though they found the control of the area difficult. Baltistan was administered directly by the Kashmir Government as a part of District Laddakh with Headquarters at Leh. The people of Northern Areas fought against the Maharaja and got independence in 1947. Boundary of Northern Areas starts from District Kohistan like Besham-Chilas onwards. Balti and Shina are the local languages besides some other dialects.
But it is matter of displeasure that the areas are lacking behind due to misunderstanding. People of this area are peace loving and history shows there was no incident of security whatsoever. The are friends of tourists and majority of people in the remote, rural areas of Northern Areas are totally dependent upon their natural resources and tourism for shelter and sustenance. Public awareness about the positive image of area needs to be highlighted. Foreigners even local tourists are not aware properly guided. They always annexed it with FATA, it needs to be differentiated by it as Gilgit-Baltistan instead. Tell the world, and people come and relax there is no matter of security in this area. They are addressed that tourists here find peace and solitude in this enchanting mountain kingdom. The valleys are a paradise for trekkers and mountain lovers. The treks in the glacial landscape of the upper valleys are a trekkers dream. Visiting fairyland is a fantasy to be lived and relived as such places are rare and far between. Of the 14 over 8,000 meters high peaks on our earth planet, four occupy an amphitheater at the head of Baltoro glacier in the Karakorum Range: K-2 (world’s second highest), Gasherbrum-I, Broad Peak and Gasherbrum-II. By that Insha Allah we will achieve the lost image of the area caused by the FATA.
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 2:01 PM 2 comments
About Northern Areas of Pakistan
Northern Areas, a beautiful place of Pakistan and a land of K2 second highest in the World (8611 meters), land of Nanga Parbat the killer mountain, a land ferry meadow and a land glaciers of which have become an international playground. There are hundreds of peaks still lying un-climbed and challenging mountaineers come ..... come and climb.
But unfortunately, this area is not attracting due to lack of information. The Northern Areas of Pakistan is basically starts from Dassu to Besham-Chilas-Gilgit-Hunza, Nagar-Khunjerab and leads to China. On the other side of Gilgit there are Skardu-Sadpar-Deosai-K2, a some big big glaciers.
There is a FATA which is now in news and located in TRIBAL AREA of Pakistan and in North West Province of Pakistan (NWFP). It is totally separate from that of Northern Areas i.e. Gilgit-Baltistan. Northern Areas of Pakistan is peaceful place and people of this areas are very friently there is no question of any security. So please visit Northern Areas of Pakistan i.e. Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan feel free and secure and enjoy and discover the beuaty of this beautiful place of world.
Posted by Irfan Mahmood at 9:54 PM 0 comments